
5 tips for businesses on implementing remote working technology

Remote working – work wherever you are, whenever you need

I’m positive that by now many businesses have at least heard of remote working, which in simple words means allowing employees to work from home or wherever they have remote access.

Here are eight top benefits from Octagon Technology of remote working.

1. Cost-benefit analysis – consider the specific benefits of cloud computing versus the costs. Your Hosted Exchange Server form Octagon Technology costs only £5 per month, per user, and increases the efficiency and productivity of your business.

2. Staff consultation – when implementing remote working technology you should understand the needs and concerns of your employees. Make time for them to voice these concerns and to respond to their needs.

3. Remote working security policy – it is important that your security policy includes a remote working paragraph to ensure that all data and sensitive customers’ information remain secure outside business premises. You should also consider the encryption of portable devices, and secure internet connections and wireless networks for better security.

4. Flexible working policy – your employees must be aware of when it is appropriate for them to work remotely. This will avoid staff misuse of this technology, and allow the business to operate as efficiency as possible.

5. Staff training – a clear and well-structured training program should be design to ensure all employees can use this technology appropriately and are aware of their responsibilities when working remotely. Workshops and one to one training should be offered to your staff to ensure that this new technology will be used efficiently and effectively.

We are a ‘remote worker company’ please do get in touch should you have any questions regarding implementing remote working technology.

Because: “if you love what you do, you’ll do more of it, better.”

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