
5 tips from Octagon Technology for buying the right smartphone

Nowadays, due to technology development, finding the right smartphone can sometimes be confusing. They are like mini computers with a phone, MP3 player and camera in one. And they aren’t cheap, so taking some time to do some research first and finding out exactly what you need and what you don’t, may be worth doing. There are many factors to take into account and here are few tips that will help you decide:

1. Choose the right operating system (OS)

When buying a smartphone, you are not just buying a phone – you are buying an entire ecosystem that it consists of – the operating system, apps, web services and accessories etc. The operating system (OS) is the platform used to run various programs on the phone. Some of the most popular operating systems are:

– Apple
– Android
– Windows Phone
– BlackBerry

Of course, as everything in life, the operating systems have different strengths and weaknesses. For instance, BlackBerry’s operating system makes up for the lack of apps. Many people believe an iPhone is the best choice. While others claim, the Android phones are quickly catching up with the iPhones and their operating system is best for searching, texting and sending email by voice.

2. Set your budget

Often, the price is one of the most important factors when considering purchase of a new smartphone. Bear in mind, that you must consider not only the price of the phone but also the price of the plan and insurance policy as these expensive devices may break without warning, leaving you with a monthly contract to pay.

3. Select the best plan

When choosing a plan, think about how you use your phone and whether the plan will suit your needs. Ask yourself the questions: do I talk and text a lot; do I need an unlimited Internet access; do I download apps, movies and games? Remember to take these facts into consideration when choosing the plan so that you can use your smartphone to its full potential without worrying that it not fully meets your needs.

4. Get the right size

Bigger screens are great for writing documents, reading emails, working on spreadsheets and enjoying photos, while a small ones fit well into your pocket, handbag etc.

5. Select the battery life that suits your needs

Again, finding the answers for the questions such as: do I talk and text a lot, do I use my smartphone for a business purposes and do I work remotely, or do I watch movies and play games in my leisure time, will help you decide on a battery capacity you need. In some situations, the size of the screen may impact on the length of the battery life. Remember, your smartphone will quickly become your most important device. For a better idea about the battery life it is worth looking online to see what the users say.