
YOUR CREDENTIALS – are they safe?

Are your social media, email and other accounts actually secure?  

Passwords these days need to be much more complicated than in previous times, but I hear you say: “My password is fool proof.” Let me tell you, it isn’t.  

The power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and cracking technologies is in its prime and only getting more powerful.  

“What can be done about it?” – I hear you ask! Well, here at Octagon we take this very seriously and we are advising our clients that where possible they should use 2FA, this means 2 Factor Authentication. Basically, it’s similar to when using online banking – you usually need a card reader to make transactions. Some websites, social media and Microsoft are all capable of using this technology. So, if the facility is available then I strongly recommend that you use it.  

It usually means having an app on your phone that allows you to sign in. The method is simple: 

  • put in your username and password as normal only this time the site won’t let you in without entering a code which is generated on your phone app or asking you to approve the sign in.  
  • It just adds that extra layer between the criminals and getting access to your data. So even if they have the ‘password’ it doesn’t mean they can immediately access your data without some extra measures.   

If you would like to know more or just have a query, then please get in touch.  

Martin (Operations Manager)


Clive has a blog published today on Smart Thinking Solutions discussing the Twitch leak and also has some password advice.

Leaks – #BeCyberSmart – Smart Thinking Solutions