
Why do I celebrate World Octopus Day?

Exactly 7 years ago I met my current employer (Diana Catton, CEO).

In October 2014, jointly with David Grech at Amica HR, I was organising and running a business seminar to promote the Graduate Internship Scheme at the University of Lincoln. At the end of the event I approached Diana, who was one of the attendees, introduced myself and basically sold myself to her!

The following day, Diana rang my work office number asking David if she could talk to me. A little confused, nervous and excited at the same time I remember calling Octagon Technology Octopus Technology instead, which clearly made us giggle.

To be fair I wasn’t too mistaken. Octagon is very similar to this intelligent, eight-limbed, ocean creature. The company has long arms that reach out to their clients and contacts providing help, assistance and guidance whenever there is a need for it.

Recently Octagon Technology launched its new product – 365R, which is the Pick Up & Go solution for business IT.  It consists of 8 unique elements to give your business compliance, security, expandability, support and peace of mind. Designed to help you achieve more with tools you understand, world-class security and reliable technology! 

Now you know why I celebrate World Octopus Day too!

Kamila (General Manager)