
Increase in attack attempts against WordPress sites recorded today

With the rapidly changing political situation around the world organisations have a responsibility to make sure their cyber security house is in order.


This morning we have noticed an increase in the number of malicious login attempts against WordPress websites.

Why is WordPress a target?

It is a target rich environment.

Make sure you implement various extra security precautions on your WordPress site.

The actions you can undertake are:

  • To check that all users have 2FA activated – and where necessary you have enforced the policy of “all users must use 2FA to access the site.”
  • To check that the global administrator type accounts are limited to those users who really need them.

We carry out these checks for our contract clients and for a small fee we could be helping you check your WordPress security if you are unsure how to proceed.

Contact us if you need help – 01522 797520 or telecoms@octagontech.com

Another attack by a Russian hacking group – here is some important advice about malware