Father’s Day Gifts

Is your Dad a Geek?

We’re back, with the essential geek present list for Father’s Day. For those of you who have forgotten when it is, here is a reminder –

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Big enough?

This list is mainly for fun – there are no affiliate links – and hopefully inspiration for more unusual presents than you normally see advertised “Just for Father’s Day”.

Here is my personal selection, various prices, all geeky. There may be that ideal gift on the list, or the list may give you an idea of what to get that geeky person (or yourself).

Enjoy the list. I am going to make sure my children get the link for this page…

A tool for all those small jobs

This gift was suggested to me by one of our support team. If your dad has the knowledge and skills, he could use this set for changing the battery in his phone or repairing a broken screen. If not, the kit is a very useful selection of tools.


Extra packing space

I have a foldaway backpack that always comes in useful. There are all of the usual uses, blah, blah, blah, but the one I want to highlight is when I go to conferences or exhibitions it comes out of my work bag to carry the promotional gifts home in.

This is saying it is waterproof but I do not think I would trust my tech to that claim.

I have been asked to add another use – sustainability – as it makes a good, always to hand, shopping bag.


Aston Martin DB5

A real one would be very extravagant – but if you do buy your dad the real thing, please let me know!

If your dad is of a certain age, he probably got a Dinky James Bond DB5, back when they first came out, and he probably had Lego as well. Now combine both into a nostalgia present of his childhood.

My parents bought me a Dinky DB5 for a birthday, it came attached to the top of a birthday cake. Later I can remember discovering that 007’s car was silver but mine was gold. It also did not take long to lose the little man that flew out of the ejector seat.

With the reappearance of the classic DB5 to the more recent James Bond movies this model has appeal for those younger dads as well.

Who knows, they may even let you help him build it.


Size Matters

When caught up in that online game or cracking that spreadsheet formula, your dad’s concentration can be broken at the critical moment if the mouse runs off the mouse mat. Here is the solution and I have options for you.

For the Marvel fan, who does not mind these huge spidey eyes staring back at him.


Something more suited to the office – shortcuts.


Or choose from a selection that this seller has – I chose the World Time Zone Map but there are others, including just coloured ones.


Cult British TV

Here is a website full of cult British TV created by Gerry Anderson, most famous for the puppet shows Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet and the live action series UFO and Space 1999.

Gerry Anderson (The Shop is on the menu)

Although mainly from the 60s and 70s these shows have a timelessness about them that means their appeal endures today. If your dad has ever mentioned any of these shows, then there will be something here for him. There are not only DVDs of the shows, but books, audiobooks and other memorabilia – I have the Fireball XL5 Technical Operations Manual on my wish list.

Families and Technology

I like a good mug on my Geek Present lists and this is a good one.


Look anywhere

This gift just shouts “geek”. If you excuse the over hyped sales pitch on the seller’s page, it still looks like a good present.


The Picard version…

And I like a good tee shirt in the list as well.

If your dad is a Star Trek fan, he will know why this is the “Picard” version.


Time to start shopping…

If none of the above inspire you, I have added some links to previous geek gift articles below – maybe I will do better for you in one of those?

That is the list for this year – to my children there is a pretty solid hint in here for you – for all my other readers whatever flavour of dad you have, then make sure, if you do nothing else, you phone them on that Sunday.

Have a Happy Father’s Day.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) by-line and other articles

Further Reading

A Geek Christmas 2023

So your Mum is a geek!

“J.A.R.V.I.S., make a note. Remind me not to wake up in the morning ever again.”

Featured Photo by Pixabay

All images “fair usage” and are sourced from Amazon or Gerry Anderson website.