At Octagon we are often asked what we do. Over the next few weeks we hope to explain in a little detail the systems we look after and what they are used for.
What we do for a client with 40 people
Below is a list of services and what we do for a particular client. We briefly explain how these are utilised.
Due to the sensitive nature of the data our client handles, we have a state-of-the-art firewall in place between the building and the internet. This allows us to control what services are allowed through to the internet and what services are blocked, both inbound and outbound. This particular one monitors the traffic and can detect possible threats coming to or leaving the network. We have set it up in such a way that it needs little maintenance but does require software/firmware updates from time to time, although the Antivirus that is built in automatically updates daily.
We provide the customer with an antivirus solution on their equipment too. It has the capabilities to report back any issues and remove most threats automatically. It is also updated daily due to the ever-evolving threats of the cyber world today.
SOC (Security Operations Centre)
Added to the above, our antivirus solution and the devices themselves comunicate with a 24/7 security operations centre. It monitors most known threats and even monitors Office 365 for potential breaches from other countries or unsolicited access.
Microsoft 365
We provide Microsoft 365 for this client and configure all aspects of it from the email to the SharePoint access, along with managing the security.
RMM (Remote Management and Monitoring)
To bring all the above together and to further enhance the security, we use a product called RMM. This enables us to control how the PCs are used, e.g. disable the ability to plug in a USB stick or manage the installation of Windows 11 to minimise downtime for the client. It can also be used for control and producing inventory reports so we can tell when the devices need replacing and make a plan. The tool can be configured to prevent ransomware too. It does this by shutting down the internet connection on detection and only allowing access to the device by us.
I hope you find this blog post helpful! Part 2 will follow next week to show how we deal with multiple suppliers to assist our clients.
Contact us if you have any questions!
Picture is by Microsoft CoPilot
Martin Mayes – by-line and other articles