
What are the main types of computer viruses that exist today?

Cyber-attack prevention is a new reality for the businesses of today. Yes, the selection of available antivirus software is impressive but hackers have also progressed! Today they can reach your data in multiple ways, often by crafting some very complex attacks.  

Mechanisms they may be using to reach your data vary but broadly this is how they can be classified: 

  1. File viruses – infect program files, for instance .exe files. These can then infect other files when an infected program is run from a hard drive or the network. 
  1. Boot sector viruses – infect the boot sector of a hard disk, that is accessed when a device starts up 
  1. Macro viruses – infect documents and spreadsheets  
  1. Network viruses – spread through local area networks and infect other machines 
  1. Email viruses – macro viruses that spread through emails and get on to your computer 
  1. Trojan horse viruses – try to cheat users appearing to be a legitimate link or attachment but are actually malicious and cause harm.  

Cyber criminals may also attempt to acquire your sensitive information by creating fake websites to attack web browsers, PDF readers and other applications. 

Viruses can take many forms and they can spread from one device to another. When choosing an antivirus solution make sure that all your devices are protected. Once compromised, a device can be a gateway into the entire network. In addition, viruses and other cyber-threats are continually evolving. If you want to stay protected, your antivirus and operating systems must always be up-to-date with the most recent developments in cyber-threats.  

So you need to remember that:  

  • You have the responsibility. 
  • You need to ensure your data is safe. 

Make sure you have a good antivirus solution in place. Consider it wisely and make sure: 

  • It suits your business needs at an acceptable price 
  • It works with your system and not against it  
  • It should fight viruses and other malicious software. It should prevent, detect and remove security threats ​ 
  • It should have a high detection rate, receive regular updates, have a fast scanning engine and advanced cleanup abilities.  

A good antivirus solution should make your life easier and most importantly give you confidence that your data is protected! 

If you would like to ask more questions or you need more information, please get in touch with us and we will do our best to help. 


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