
Snowball effect of knowledge


New Year means new goals. So, we come back to work in January and all we can think about is work, and with work comes learning, because we want to stay up-to-date. Even if it’s hard to balance learning and day-to-day roles, we push really hard!

The pandemic has slowed down business a little, at least for some and hopefully not for too long for many, but technology is galloping!

It all started with the working from home directive and now hybrid working is in the norm. It may feel like running a marathon with the social media and data privacy changes, and it may be difficult to keep up the pace. What we are experiencing now is the snowball effect of technology changes. It started small and now it gets complex – are you overwhelmed yet?


Learning is a process and it should not drain you of energy. It should energise you instead.

The average person receives an impressive amount of information each day. New information may create more questions and a need for further research. Obtaining new information may also generate an instant need for sharing it with others. So learning is information gathering, processing and sharing.

Information processing is an action that is happening at all times, even now whilst I write and you read this blog.


Knowledge sharing is essential in business. When it comes to topics like technology, cybersecurity and data safety, people often desperately search for information and often pay heavily for access to that specialised knowledge. Knowledge sharing is important because it:

  • Facilitates the decision-making process
  • Builds learning organisations (through a learning routine)
  • Stimulates organisational change
  • Promotes innovation and growth
  • Improves customer service

When it comes to cybersecurity, learning is particularly important because it helps build responsible organisations. As a business owner you are responsible for data safety and security. You are aware that you need to obey the GDPR regulations, making sure your clients’ personal information is protected. Technology and cybersecurity are highly specialised areas. It needs someone who is truly passionate about these rather complex topics.

Yes, it may be difficult to keep up-to-date and yet prevent ourselves from being overwhelmed. So, what is the best thing to do?

  • You should stay focused

Start small by evaluating your strengths and instead of working on your weak points concentrate on your powers. Decide what works best and what is most relevant for you in this moment in time. Evaluate if this is going to add value and bring you real benefits. This is the most efficient way of learning and technology can help!

Find what “clicks” for you and get in the flow of doing something, then make it a daily habit. Make small changes every single day and reap the dividends later.

  • Take notice of skill gaps

Decide on your goals and objectives and what is going to be most effective for your business.

  • Use the resources

You don’t have to be everything and know everything – rely on other people’s expertise and knowledge. There are many different ways of learning. Use YouTube, social media, blogs, articles, books, podcasts, attend expert webinars etc. Find learning in unexpected places and remember learning should give you energy and not drain you of it!


We cannot really evaluate or predict what is going to happen to virtual or hybrid working this year but technology will definitely be continuing to challenge us. Don’t be scared of the learning challenge, there are ways to gather new knowledge and technology can help.


Change is good. It facilitates learning and brings new knowledge. Remember the equation event + response = outcome.  

Learning should energise and inspire!
