

Diana Catton MBA

Diana is the CEO at Octagon Technology Ltd with special responsibilities for strategy, finance and keeping up with legislation. Her MBA and many years’ business experience make her particularly well qualified for her role, and she is never happier than when she is grappling with financial analysis and spreadsheets.

Because the business operates in a constantly changing arena she takes part of each day to make sure she can “talk the talk” about IT by accessing up-to-date training and specialist newsletters. She was closely involved with Clive’s research for his MSc in cyber security and continues to keep up with the evolving threats and mitigations in cyber space.

working at a laptop in a coffee bar

What responsibilities do companies have for the environment and how does technology help?

Over the last twenty years or more, most governments have gently changed our attitudes and behaviours using nudging. How many people would regard it as OK these days to drink and drive, smoke in front of children, or spit in public? In thirty years’ time I can envisage young people being upset at older people

What responsibilities do companies have for the environment and how does technology help? Read More »

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World Backup Day

Repeat after me: “I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st”.  That is the World Backup Day pledge, but don’t just do it on March 31st – do it every day! Here at Octagon Technology the most consistent message we give out at networking meetings and here on our

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Clean up your computer

Who knew that this month was Clean up your Computer month?  I looked at resources online relating to this and most of it was about things people had to do before storage was so cheap and all the files they were working on were actually on their own computer rather than in the cloud.  Still, there are

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Software Fiasco

I was astounded to read (“Why you should never use Microsoft Excel to count coronavirus cases“) that the reason so many positive cases of coronavirus were missed off the statistics recently was because outdated software was being used.  What? Data was being uploaded to the national statistics in comma separated value (.csv) format to .xls Excel

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Can you work from anywhere?

During the current COVID 19 crisis, many companies have shared their knowledge and offered tips and tricks to help other businesses “bounce back” and perhaps change the direction of their company or offer their services in a different way.  Octagon Technology has taken a full part in this by offering free online training on Fridays

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