

Diana Catton MBA

Diana is the CEO at Octagon Technology Ltd with special responsibilities for strategy, finance and keeping up with legislation. Her MBA and many years’ business experience make her particularly well qualified for her role, and she is never happier than when she is grappling with financial analysis and spreadsheets.

Because the business operates in a constantly changing arena she takes part of each day to make sure she can “talk the talk” about IT by accessing up-to-date training and specialist newsletters. She was closely involved with Clive’s research for his MSc in cyber security and continues to keep up with the evolving threats and mitigations in cyber space.

Superfast Broadband

Yesterday evening I attended a meeting of the Lincolnshire Digital Business Cluster Group on behalf of Octagon Technology. The meeting was about the rollout of “superfast broadband” throughout Lincolnshire and this is where you come in dear reader. It seems that BT will put in the required infrastructure if we can demonstrate that the demand […]

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Your Domain Name?

Ever got fed up with those ‘phishing’ emails which offer you your own domain name for renewal when you know you don’t normally deal with those people? Worse still, have you ever lost a domain name because you were not warned that the registration period was about to expire?  Then you found that your main

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The Lincoln Brand Launch

Today I went to the Lincoln brand launch at the Visit Lincoln Partnership meeting at Bishop Grosseteste University College. Andy Clayton from Ruddocks detailed the story behind the logo and told us it had taken several staff seven months to do. For those people not of a creative bent, this might seem a very long

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