


Martin is the Operations Manager at Octagon Technology. He is a senior engineer and with his team looks after the daily operations of the company. Martin specialises in Microsoft 365 and has over 25 years experience in IT support and infrastructure. He has worked for some leading companies based in London and has worked for Octagon for the last 15 years. He and his team operate a second-to-none support regime. He always puts the customer first and this is appreciated by our clients.

With his experience Martin has a management role and is responsible for the more challenging issues that come in. He runs our projects with the least possible disruption to our existing and new clients.

If you would like to speak to Martin about any issues you are having or want a second opinion then please get in touch.

Server Down

Server Down

It’s a Sunday morning. I wake up and there is an email on my phone. It is from our Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) system. One of the servers we look after hasn’t communicated with the system for over 15 minutes. I get up, have a cup of tea then see if I can connect

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