

Women in Technology

When graduating from University of Lincoln with a 1st class degree in Business and Marketing I never imagined I would be working for an IT company. In my early twenties computers and technology were never my passion. When studying at secondary school I never used to enjoy ICT, in fact I must admit that I found computers unattractive and learning to use a computer keyboard a waste

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Can you work from anywhere?

During the current COVID 19 crisis, many companies have shared their knowledge and offered tips and tricks to help other businesses “bounce back” and perhaps change the direction of their company or offer their services in a different way.  Octagon Technology has taken a full part in this by offering free online training on Fridays

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Is your personal information worth a cup of coffee? – Customer data collection mandatory from 18th September

The Covid-19 situation presented a major threat to many businesses and individuals in the UK and globally. In the UK lockdown led to the closure of many businesses and the hospitality sector has been seriously affected. As of tomorrow (18th September) there will be new measures in place that have been designed to help us

Is your personal information worth a cup of coffee? – Customer data collection mandatory from 18th September Read More »