
Cyber Security – Smart Thinking Solutions & CyberAwake

Octagon Technology offers a full range of cyber security services – our CISO, Clive, has a cyber security Master’s Degree and makes sure we and the services we supply keep to the standards we set.

As has always been the case with Octagon Technology, we aim to be jargon-free when explaining technical concepts, and our cyber security consultancy and training is no exception. Whilst emphasising the importance of doing all we can to mitigate cyber security risks for clients, we are well aware that companies have varying sizes of budget. Solutions we propose are commensurate with what is reasonable after performing a risk analysis in line with the client’s attitude towards acceptance of some highly unlikely risks which are costly to protect against.

Smart Thinking Solutions

Smart Thinking Solutions is Clive’s specialist cybersecurity news and information project, where you can find daily news items pointing you at the most important cyber security issues that could impact you and your organisation, longer articles on cyber security and privacy, as well as something lighter on a Friday, because a blog you would want to read cannot just be doom and gloom.

Smart Thinking Solutions Cyber Security


CyberAwake is a joint project with another IT company, bringing together the expertise of both to provide online cyber security awareness training and cyber security services for larger companies. Clive is the cyber security consultant on the project and writes regular cyber security and privacy articles for the site’s knowledge base.

Cyber Security is Important

Both of these sites are integral parts of Octagon Technology and only operate separately to enable our clients to clearly see what we can do to help them with both great IT support and information security.

Other Cyber Security Services

Advanced Threat Protection


IT Monitoring

Social Engineering and Email Cyber Security Training

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko