
IT Support

PC clean - Spring clean

Why You Need a PC Clean

A PC clean is an part of your IT policies if you want your equipment to be reliable. Spring Cleaning Lots of people give their homes a good spring clean, getting rid of dust that has built up and helping everyone breathe easier, and this also works for computers. Dust in your house (and computer)

Why You Need a PC Clean Read More »

It’s your business! – Do you know the state of your cyber security?

Building a business requires commitment and determination. It’s a hard work! You start each day with a schedule for delivering your products or services, acquiring new customers and retaining the existing ones because your business needs to prosper. It’s a sure thing! Cash is king and so is data! No business can prosper on air

It’s your business! – Do you know the state of your cyber security? Read More »

No shopping coupons in Microsoft Edge

Are you annoyed about shopping coupons in Edge? Then turn them off!

With Christmas round the corner I have been spending time on various shopping sites, where Edge was constantly suggesting useless discount coupons to me. Worse then that, poor coding meant that the pop-up box suggesting coupons would often appear blank, just obscuring the web page I was wanting to read. How to disable Microsoft Edge

Are you annoyed about shopping coupons in Edge? Then turn them off! Read More »

working at a laptop in a coffee bar

What responsibilities do companies have for the environment and how does technology help?

Over the last twenty years or more, most governments have gently changed our attitudes and behaviours using nudging. How many people would regard it as OK these days to drink and drive, smoke in front of children, or spit in public? In thirty years’ time I can envisage young people being upset at older people

What responsibilities do companies have for the environment and how does technology help? Read More »